Peace & Justice Ministries

IMG00250Community of Christ is continually seeking out ways in which to live out Jesus Christ’s Shalom. One of our Enduring Principles is Pursuit of Peace.

Pursuit of Peace (Shalom)
  • God wants shalom (justice, reconciliation, well-being, wholeness, and peace) for all of creation.
  • Jesus Christ, the embodiment of God’s shalom (peace), reveals the meaning of God’s peace in all aspects of life.
  • The vision of Zion is to promote God’s reign on earth, as proclaimed by Jesus Christ, through the leavening influence of just and peaceful communities.
  • We courageously and generously share the peace of Jesus Christ with others.
  • Led by the Holy Spirit, we work with God and others to restore peace (shalom) to creation.
  • We celebrate God’s peace wherever it appears or is being pursued by people of good will.

Community of Christ also embraces a Mission Initiative called Pursue Peace on Earth.

Pursue Peace on Earth

treeWe are poised to restore Christ’s covenant of peace, even the Zion of our hopes. The hope of Zion will become reality when we live Christ’s peace and generously share his peace with others.

We fulfill God’s ultimate vision as we…Screen Shot 2014-02-04 at 2.25.16 PM


  • Establish the Temple as a Center to Promote Peacemaking throughout the World
  • Engage Children in Peacemaking around the World
  • Seek Justice, Create Peacemakers around the World
  • Unite with Others to Make Peace around the World

In Eastern Great Lakes Mission Center we want to continue to live into Christ’s vision of peace for our world.

Here are some helpful links and resources:

Outreach International

Community of Christ Peace & Justice Issues 

Better World Shopping Guide